This is the Summer We Were Promised

Reality Check – It Really Was Worse.

Look, I get it. It’s easy to forget how bad it was when we see the numbers surging again.  But remember for just a moment: last year, between Thanksgiving and New Year’s we were in the darkest days of the year – and the darkest days of the epidemic. There was unknown, untested vaccine barely available.  We were up to 300,000 cases a day.  There were only the very beginnings of treatments.

And, it was literally dark outside. We were trapped inside, segregated from our friends and loved ones.  The disease was coming for them too. Back then, we spoke of the world spinning forward, into a world of more light, more vaccines, more hugs. 


It is easy to fall back into despair. 

We cannot make people get vaccinated and wear masks – and it is unspeakably sad that they are volunteering to have illness and death.  It is enraging that they won’t listen to us.  Alas, is it really any different than the smokers as we keep watching them die from cancer and COPD?   Is it really any different from the people who won’t wear seat belts or helmets?

We are witnessing humans who insist on their right to do what they want – and a system that does not do the preventive work, or invest the power and credibility in public health to show them why it is in their interest to do the right things, not to do just anything they want.  Institutions spending billions for treatment, but not for prevention:  billions more for incarceration, but not treatment and tertiary prevention.  And, a political system that continues to deny even the basics of prevention as Governors forbid mask mandates, while pediatric admissions are the highest yet.

It is terrifying.  It is enraging. And yet…


…We Must Resist the Temptation. 

Because This Is the Summer We Were Promised. 


We must not become captive to the news media.  It is Chicago.  It is a stunning summer.  We are vaccinated.  We can help our friends and family get vaccinated.  We can model the behavior of masks in indoor spaces, cheerfully, to protect our children.  In addition to the news, there is fresh hope as our seniors have stopped dying.  There have been millions of acts of kindness and beauty everywhere.  We can be outside.  We need the break.  We need the play.  We need to let go.


Be Present. Open Up to This Glorious Summer.

Winter will come soon enough – but remember, even that won’t last forever.  Meanwhile, get outside, get those vaccines – and lots and lots of safe hugs.


The Opportunity


Why Don't We Stay Present?